Sunday, September 14, 2008


It is sunday night and my young ones have finally returned from the place called "dad". I was obviously overjoyed to see them, but unlike my companion Mickey, I do not have the run of the house. As a result, I could not run up to greet them. I watched happily as the young humans walked pass my cage. I was highly expectant of my nest to be thrown open, and for I, myself, to be plucked from my perch and set on a shoulder. But, no. I simply get a "Hi lily." in a high pitched voice.

So now, I am on Jessyca's portable computer typing this up. She and her family are on the second floor, along with Mickey. I think that I can hear the television. I am greatly unsure if I will get to play with my humans tonight. However, I have no idea of what tomarrow will bring.

With Honest Wishes,



Phineas Phig said...

Well, Lily.
It seems that you and your human family get along quite well. Good for you. My human family also has a few parakeets. Three, to be exact. But they(The birds) never shut up. And I live right next to them. All day and night it is constant chirping. Or whatever you call the sounds that parakeets make. Sometimes they are so loud that I can barely hear myself think.

-Phineas Phig The Guinea Pig

Phineas Phig said...

But other than that-
nice post overall. :)

-Phineas Phig The Guinea Pig