Friday, September 26, 2008

Alone once again

I am not sure where everyone has gone, but they have left the house. I heard them mentioning something about Dads house once again. However, they all left at different times, therefore leading me to theory that they have different destinations.

So, with the humans gone, I have decided to retreat this device and type a post. My last post was about the young ones bothering me. I have more to add to that now. Today, the one called Jessyca decided to place me on her shoulder while she washed the floor. Everything was fine until this scary read stick came at me! I jumped off her shirt at the site of the evil thing and fluttered to the wet floor. After which I was placed back on her shoulder, only to have the RED STICK come at me once again! Finally the young one Jenna plucked me from the floor and placed her near her foot. Mickey's head was right beneath me, so I decided to have a silent chat with him.

He told me of how he wasn't feeling the best that he could and that he really wished the Young Ones would "snuggle" him more often. Poor canine. I have become quit fond of him and I dread the day that he must leave. The mutt is very sick and he is not recovering.

On a happier note, I have not received a "bath" in a quit some time. It really is a horrible thing, these "baths". Young One Jessyca takes a thing rubber hose and the turns a switch and the water comes misting out of it! As I try to run from the moisture she just manipulates the thing around my cage, intent on getting me soaked! Finally the water is shut off and I am left in peace on my perch to sit there, dripping and cold! I do not see the point in these baths. If you ask me, I am a very clean bird! Mickey does not get constant baths, so why should I? It seems as though these questions will never be answered...

Well I am getting tired. I must retreat back to my Medal Nest for a quick snooze.

With Honest Wishes,


1 comment:

Phineas Phig said...

Oh, Lily.
I am sorry to hear about you being alone. Although some alone time might be nice. (I've met Jessyca, it can't be easy living with her 24/7/ Heh heh.)

Anyway- I am also sorry to hear about Mickey. Poor dog. My best wishes to him.

And last but not least-
I agree with you. Baths are horrible. I always try to leap onto Kieran's shoulder when she gives me a bath. But do make sure that the humans turn the ceiling fan off when they bathe you, I've heard the humans talking about how small birds, much like yourself, can freeze/get sick easily if the ceiling fan is turned on while they bathe you.


-Phineas Phig The Guinea Pig