Friday, June 5, 2009

So sorry!

Hello hello! I am so sorry that I have not been able to type anything in quite sometime. You see, Jessyca's computer has not been working. In fact, the only reason that I am able to type now is because I managed to flutter down the road to the house of Phineas Phig and use his computer. (That is not easy to do when you only have one flight feather on each wing...)

I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about the blog!

In later news, it seems that they family has found some new birds. They are bigger than me, but not by much. There are six of them by my count and they don't have any flight feathers. They spend most of their time outside, playing in the water and swimming when they get the chance. These birds are odd. Their toes are all connected by flaps I haven't the slightest idea. I think I have heard them be called..."Uckleems?" Or maybe..."Bucklings?"

But I suppose the family is going to be looking after these birds until for quite sometime. But I needn't worry! There is no way these tiny chicks could possibly replace me.

Well, I must be going now. Phineas is kicking me out.

With Honest Wishes,


I have no idea, when my next post will be....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

AOL Mail

HAHA! Happy Easter!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So Many Things to Type...

A lot has happened since my last post. One event in particular I would like to share....

It was a normal Tuesday Morning and I was sitting on my perch. The one called Mom walked through the door with a food bag in her hands. Soon the young ones came downstairs to eat. Eventually Mickey came down to join them. But I sensed that something wasn't quite right with him...(You see he has been sick and) Today he seemed weaker then usual. His breathing was harsher and he didn't look to good.

During the morning meal I observed when Mom said, "There is something wrong with Mickey's throat." I eyed her as she knelt by the canine's side and gently massaged the bulge under Mickey's chin. Her eyes turned sorrowful as she said, "There is something in his throat. I think it's a tumor." Now, I am simple Avie. I don't know what a "tumor" is. But they way the young one's expressions changed to shock and sadness, I know it was not a good thing. The young one Jessyca called Mickey over and felt the mass as well. "It's fluid." She said blankly.

Mom's expression turned to grief as she said, "We have to put him to sleep today." Jessyca then did something I had never observed before. Her eyes filled with water and it started pouring down her cheeks! Her voice became shaky and she could Hardly speak without gasping. "It's not fair!" She kept repeating. Soon Young One Jenna started doing this same thing.

The Young One Females did not leave that morning as they normally do. "School" I believe is their destination. They Young Ones stayed homed and continued this odd Eye-Watering Phenomenon for the rest of the morning. When I got a spare moment I stopped to ask Mickey what was going on. "Why are the Young Females so distressed?" I asked. "I am not sure." Mickey replied. "But I think it has to do with me." "I see." I said. "How are you feeling this morning?" I inquired. "I bit worse then yesterday." He said.

That was the last conversation I had with the young dog. For the rest of the day the Young Females were distressed. When the Young Male, Justin came home the females told him, "We're putting Mickey to sleep." There was that expression again. I didn't think that sleeping was a bad thing. I enjoy really. But I figured that this was a different kind of sleeping.

Soon enough Mom returned home from her "work". Jessyca started the eye-watering once again. The Young Ones took pictures with Mickey and pet him. Then they walked out into the garage. I heard the vehicle drive away. I waited for some time for them to return. Mickey sure did look happy and excited when they left, so I figured that nothing bad was going to happen.


When they returned home, Mickey didn't come into the house. Justin and Mom were in the Back yard messing with some of the dirt. I couldn't get a good view of what they were doing, but I heard them making the same noises Jessyca had that morning. When Jessyca and Jenna came in the house the were Eye-watering worse then they were this morning.

I haven't seen Mickey since that day on October 28,2008.

And I don't think I will ever again.

With Honest Wishes,


Friday, September 26, 2008

Alone once again

I am not sure where everyone has gone, but they have left the house. I heard them mentioning something about Dads house once again. However, they all left at different times, therefore leading me to theory that they have different destinations.

So, with the humans gone, I have decided to retreat this device and type a post. My last post was about the young ones bothering me. I have more to add to that now. Today, the one called Jessyca decided to place me on her shoulder while she washed the floor. Everything was fine until this scary read stick came at me! I jumped off her shirt at the site of the evil thing and fluttered to the wet floor. After which I was placed back on her shoulder, only to have the RED STICK come at me once again! Finally the young one Jenna plucked me from the floor and placed her near her foot. Mickey's head was right beneath me, so I decided to have a silent chat with him.

He told me of how he wasn't feeling the best that he could and that he really wished the Young Ones would "snuggle" him more often. Poor canine. I have become quit fond of him and I dread the day that he must leave. The mutt is very sick and he is not recovering.

On a happier note, I have not received a "bath" in a quit some time. It really is a horrible thing, these "baths". Young One Jessyca takes a thing rubber hose and the turns a switch and the water comes misting out of it! As I try to run from the moisture she just manipulates the thing around my cage, intent on getting me soaked! Finally the water is shut off and I am left in peace on my perch to sit there, dripping and cold! I do not see the point in these baths. If you ask me, I am a very clean bird! Mickey does not get constant baths, so why should I? It seems as though these questions will never be answered...

Well I am getting tired. I must retreat back to my Medal Nest for a quick snooze.

With Honest Wishes,


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy Young Ones!!!

The young ones have been very eager to play with me latley. I am not sure why, but it is getting on my nerves. Normaly I rather enjoy the young ones' constant attention and look forward to it everyday! But latley they have been smothering me! I decided to flutter up the stairs and write a quick entry. I haven't been able to steal a few moments of peace and quit since the young ones returned home from Dad's! How annoying these young kids can be.

I hear footsteps approaching! I must make haste back to my medal nest!!!

With Honest Wishes,


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cellular Phones and Hamsters

Jessyca is currently preoccupied downstairs. I believe she is washing dishes. I am not completely sure, although. But I decided, since no one was looking, to steal away a few moments to create a new post.

Yesterday Jessyca left her cellular phone near my cage. I took total advantage of the situation for my benefit. You see, Jessyca came home and was talking about a hamster named Pumpkin. I heard that it was a human named Alanna's pet. So I managed to decode the strange workings of this device and soon enough I managed to "text" Pumpkin.

When the thought first crossed my mind I was doubtful that it would work. What if the other phone was in Alanna's possession? Then my secrete would be discovered! But I decided to take the risk! And to my luck, the phone was no where near this young one! In fact, I got a direct reply from Pumpkin herself! She really is a charming little rodent from the contact that I have with her. However she thinks of Jessyca as a very "scary" being. I find this rather hard to believe. Jessyca has never done me any harm! But then again, I am not a naive little hamster. (I do not mean for Pumpkin to take offense, but hamster never really seem to put much thought into their action.)

According to Pumpkin she is confined to her "cage", whatever that happens to be, as punishment for chewing through her young ones "lamp cord." I stated that this action had no common sense put into it and she agreed. But yet this hamster managed to rewire a cell phone satellite transmission to a previously constructed hamster sized phone! This confused me a great deal as you can imagine. Even I have a simple mind that can not comprehend such human nonsense! How did a hamster manage this? I must say I am befuddled.

Eventually our conversation or "text-ersation" as I have heard my young one call it, ended abruptly as Jessyca was comming to retrieve her phone.So Pumpkin and I said our goodbyes and the conversation ended.

I would tell you more of my current day, but I feel footsteps approaching! I must make haste!

With Honest Wishes


Sunday, September 14, 2008


It is sunday night and my young ones have finally returned from the place called "dad". I was obviously overjoyed to see them, but unlike my companion Mickey, I do not have the run of the house. As a result, I could not run up to greet them. I watched happily as the young humans walked pass my cage. I was highly expectant of my nest to be thrown open, and for I, myself, to be plucked from my perch and set on a shoulder. But, no. I simply get a "Hi lily." in a high pitched voice.

So now, I am on Jessyca's portable computer typing this up. She and her family are on the second floor, along with Mickey. I think that I can hear the television. I am greatly unsure if I will get to play with my humans tonight. However, I have no idea of what tomarrow will bring.

With Honest Wishes,
